How to Build a Liquid Bar Top
Follow these simple photos and captions and you will be on your way.
Step one: 45 angle your 2x4 and rabbit the top edge as shown below
Next mount your light fixture using T-12 fluorescent bulbs to the inside of the 2x4
Then assemble all your 2x4’s as shown on a ¾” sheet of sanded plywood base.
Then cut your access hole for your wire management
Next Lay in the 1/2” or 5/8” cut to fit acrylic and cut the diffuser sheet to cover the entire area.
Be careful to air blow all the dust at this point and clean the acrylic.
Now it is time to lay in the liquid tile gel packs. Remove them from the box and let them lay in the sun for 10 minutes to get the fold lines out. Lift and place them as shown making sure no dust is present.
Line up
the tiles to fit perfectly left and right. Shown is a 22” deep bar
top. The tiles are only 19 ½ deep and the red diffuser acts as a tip well and hides the light fixtures.
Now it is time to lay the cut to fit pebble finish protective glaze lexan sheet on top of the tiles. Again making sure no dust is present.
You’re almost done. It is now time to finish the top with 45 angle moldings that also hold everything in place.
Note: if a bulb burns out or if you need access to the inside of the light box simply remove these moldings and replace when done.
Your finished Liquid Bar Top